Merry Christmas Mummy!
We hope you have the most amazing christmas and look forward to spending a long christmas break with you :)
Even though we love nothing more than spending time with you, we've both decided that we think you and daddy deserve a weekend to yourselves....
So. We are packing our bags (just like you) and going to stay with Nana and pops for a weekend, so you and daddy can have some time to yourselves...
But that's not the present :)
Daddy has arranged for you both to go away to the Lakes for a weekend, just like you did when you first started dating.
You will be staying in a lovely little cottage in Ulverston, and can have plenty of nice meals out and a few lie ins :) Here it is
Also.. there's not long to wait, as you will both be going on the 4th of February, so you can have a romantic weekend around valentines as well :)
We love you so much Mummy, you are the most amazing perfect person in the world and we hope you have an amazing weekend
Harry, Elden and Daddy